Dome from Floor Below

The Martin County Courthouse dome extends 58 feet above the roof of the building. The inside of the dome contains four large paintings symbolizing Peace, Genius, War, and Inspiration.

Painting of Peace

- On the north wall, the center figure sitting represents Minnesota, with the horn of plenty. Standing behind is Columbia. Minnesota under the protection of Columbia is growing in peace. Minnesota, with raised hand is blessing the county. All agricultural industry, etc., prosper under this blessing. The symbol of agriculture is represented in the figure presenting the olive branch to Columbia and Minnesota. The industry of cattle raising is shown in the background. Home industries are represented by the girl with the spinning wheel. The group on the left hand in this painting represents mechanics and education. The classical figure with the scroll is teaching knowledge and wisdom to the eagerly listening young woman. In this group we also see the worker in iron, with a stern look. The Indian in his typical paraphernalia, is eagerly watching the rapidly changing conditions of the county, holding in his hand the plans of the new Court House, thinking of the times when only dense forests and prairie covered the land.

Painting of Genius
Genius - On the west wall, the North Star and the Seal of Minnesota. The Seal is decorated with the state flower, the Moccasin flower. Between the great paintings on the walls of the dome are four emblems representing agriculture, commerce, art and science.

Painting of War
- On the south wall, this painting represents destruction. The fury of war, the avenger of evil, comes from the sky, with a sword of flame. Underneath we see beautiful women, old men, young warriors, women in great pain, showing the last moment of life. A miser attempts to save all his goods and the money, but is unable to save them for the avenger comes. The city goes down, the temple burns, the sun set showing the end. This painting represents all evil and the destruction of prosperity.

Painting of Inspiration
- On the east wall, allegoric figures. The center figure represents light and the intellect of the mind. The right figure represents power of thought holding the symbol of the court, the fasces, in the hand. The left figure represents glory. The spiritual representation of the figures is expressed through the clouds.